Missional Communities

What is a Missional Community

A Missional Community is more than just a small group – it’s a gathering of people committed to living on mission together. Rooted in the belief that church extends beyond Sunday, Missional Communities focus on building deep relationships, serving others, and sharing the love of Jesus in everyday life. Through intentional discipleship, prayer, and outreach, these communities aim to bring transformation not only to their members but also to the neighborhoods and workplaces they engage with. It's a place where faith is lived out in tangible ways, making a lasting impact on both the community and the world.

Winter/Spring Semester

January 26th - April 20th

Upcoming Events

Frequently Asked Questions

Group Leader Resources

Many of the series in this free video library have direct links to workbooks and guides to help you lead your Missional Community. You can search by category, topic, or speaker.